Monday, February 28, 2011


it's nearly march and there are a few things i can't get enough of today.
1 - scarlett johnasson's hair from the oscars. my hair is too curly to really do this style, but i think the length might be what i'm looking for. i just love it.

2 - i can't tell you how many times i've listened this to video. i'm not really a huge adele fan, but this song is beyond good. can't get enough.

3 - my current favorite cd is barton hallow, by the civil wars. and as luck would have it, it is one of amazon's $5 cds for march. i highly recommend you pick it up!


  1. hair + dress= jealous
    any clue how she gets that style? i think my hair is too curly...ugh

    i'm playing "someone like you" like it's my job....she's the new "IT" woman.

    love the blog re-design...does this mean more bloggin? :)

  2. just listened to both of those songs. LOVE them both. they will definitely be playing over and over even here in ks.

  3. that dress is to DIE for. love the color too.
